Identifiant;English TRANSLATE_ERR#1;'{0}' not translated. TRANSLATE_ERR#2;Error translating '{0}'.\n{1} Scene 4 Client;Scene 4 Client Scene 4 Agent;Scene 4 Agent WCF/Web Service;WCF/Web Service WCF Data Service;WCF Data Service Error;Error System;System Alarm;Alarm Telemaintenance;Telemaintenance Connection;Connection User management;User management INTERNAL_ERROR_TBLREF#0;An internal error occured: mismatch with a reference value of the database MAINPAGE_TITLE#0;Scene 4 MAINPAGE_ACCUEIL#0;Home MAINPAGE_ABOUT#0;About MAINPAGE_LOGOUT#0;Logout STARTUP_TITLE#0;Loading HOME_TITLE#0;Home HOME_ADMIN#0;Administration HOME_MAINT#0;Telemaintenance HOME_LECTURE#0;Player LICENCE_TITLE#0;License LICENCE_INFOS#0;Please contact Eolane and provide the following code to unlock the software : LICENCE_LICENCE#0;Please enter the licence key to unlock the software : LICENCE_ERROR#0;Incorrect license key LOGIN_TITLE#0;Authentication LOGIN_LOGIN#0;Login : LOGIN_PASSWORD#0;Password : LOGIN_CONNECT#0;Connection LOGIN_ERROR#0;Incorrect login or password LOGIN_DEACTIVATED#0;Login has been deactivated USER_TITLE_ADD#0;Create user... USER_TITLE_MODIFY#0;Modify user... USER_IDENTIFIANT#0;Login : USER_NOM#0;Name : USER_PRENOM#0;First name : USER_PWD#0;Password : USER_PWD_CONFIRM#0;Confirm password : USER_PROFIL#0;Profile : USER_MAIL#0;e-mail : USER_TEL_FIXE#0;Fixed-line phone : USER_TEL_MOBILE#0;Mobile phone : USER_RECONFIRM_PASSWORD#0;Password fields are different.\nPlease reconfirm password! USER_RECONFIRM_PASSWORD2#0;Password fields are different.\nPlease reconfirm password!\n\n(To keep original password, leave blank the two password fields) USER_LOGIN_ALREADY_USED#1;Login '{0}' is already used.\nPlease choose another one! USER_MODIFY_PASSWORD#0;Are you sure you want to modify password ?\n\n(To keep original password, leave blank the two password fields) USER_REACTIVATION#0;This user login was previously deactivated.\nDo you want to reactivate it? RECORDER_TITLE_ADD#0;Create recorder... RECORDER_NOM#0;Name : RECORDER_IP#0;IP address : RECORDER_NAME_ALREADY_USED#1;Recorder name '{0}' is already used.\nPlease choose another one! SEARCH_TITLE#0;Search... SEARCH_DATE_DEBUT#0;Begin date : SEARCH_DATE_FIN#0;End date : SEARCH_VEHICULE#0;Vehicle : SEARCH_ENREGISTREUR#0;Recorder : SEARCH_NUMERO_SERIE#0;Serial number : SEARCH_TYPE#0;Type : SEARCH_ETAT#0;State : SEARCH_CATEGORIE#0;Category : SEARCH_DESCRIPTION#0;Description : PRINT_OPTIONS_TITLE#0;Print settings... PRINT_OPTIONS_PRINT_TITLE#0;Document title PRINT_OPTIONS_PRINT_MARGIN#0;Margins (hundredths of inches) PRINT_OPTIONS_PRINT_OPTIONS#0;Options PRINT_OPTIONS_CH_PRINT_TITLE#0;Print title PRINT_OPTIONS_CH_PRINT_DATE#0;Print date PRINT_OPTIONS_CH_PRINT_PAGE_NUMBER#0;Pagination DECHARG_TITLE#0;Edit unloading... DECHARG_DATE_DEBUT#0;Begin date : DECHARG_DATE_FIN#0;End date : DECHARG_VEHICULE#0;Vehicle : DECHARG_ENREGISTREUR#0;Recorder : DECHARG_CAMERAS#0;Cameras : DECHARG_MICROS#0;Micros : DECHARG_ERREUR_DATES#0;End date must be greater than begin date! DECHARG_ERREUR_CAMERA_MICRO#0;You must choose at least one camera or micro! DECHARG_MICRO_LIBELLE#0;Mic. LOG_TITLE#0;Edit event... LOG_DATE#0;Date : LOG_CATEGORIE#0;Category : LOG_SOURCE#0;Source : LOG_DESCRIPTION#0;Description : LOG_COMMENTAIRE#0;Comment : ERROR_TITLE#0;Error ERROR_INTRO#0;Unknown error occured. For more informations, please contact your administrator. ERROR_DETAILS#0;Error details ERROR_PAGE#1;Page not found : '{0}' TAB_USERS#0;Users TAB_LOGS#0;Historical TAB_MAINTENANCE#0;Maintenance TAB_DECH_VIDEOS#0;Scheduling the unloading TAB_TOOLTIP_DECH_VIDEOS#0;Scheduling the unloading of videos TAB_DECH_IMAGES#0;Unloading of pictures TAB_GESTION#0;Park vehicles TAB_CONFIG#0;Configuration TAB_ETAT_COURANT#0;Current state TAB_HISTORIQUE#0;Historical TAB_DECHVIDEOS#0;Uploaded video GB_USERS#0;Users GB_PROFILS#0;Profiles GB_DROITS#0;Permissions GB_FILTRES_LOGS#0;Filters GB_FIRMWARE#0;Firmware GB_CONFIG#0;Configuration GB_DATE#0;Date and time GB_DECH#0;Unloading GB_DECH_AUTO#0;Automatic unloading GB_PHOTOS#0;Configuration GB_VEHICULES#0;Vehicles GB_ENREGISTREURS#0;Recorders GB_FILTRES_ETAT_COURANT#0;Filters GB_FILTRES_HISTORIQUE#0;Filters GB_CONFIG_UTILISATEUR#0;Local application settings GB_CONFIG_SYSTEME#0;System settings LBL_DATE_DEBUT#0;Begin date : LBL_DATE_FIN#0;End date : LBL_CATEGORIE#0;Category : LBL_SOURCE#0;Source : LBL_VEHICULE#0;Vehicle : LBL_ENREGISTREUR#0;Recorder : LBL_NUMERO_SERIE#0;Serial number : LBL_TYPE#0;Type : LBL_FIRMWARE#0;Update from file : LBL_CONFIG#0;Update from file : LBL_VERSION#0;Version : LBL_DUREE_MIN_PLAGE#0;Minimum duration of the track : LBL_DUREE_FIN_PLAGE#0;Duration before the end of the sequence : LBL_MINUTES#0;minutes LBL_LANGUE#0;Language : LBL_REPERTOIRE_VIDEOS#0;Directory of the videos (on the server) : LBL_REPERTOIRE_IMAGES#0;Directory of the pictures (on the server) : LBL_NBMAX_TENTATIVES_FTP#0;Maximum number of attemps to unload per recorder connection : LBL_NBJOURS_ALERTE_ETAT_ENREGISTREUR#0;Number of days before alerting the non-connection of a recorder : LBL_NBJOURS_CONSERVATION_VIDEOS#0;Number of days before deleting the videos : LBL_NBJOURS_CONSERVATION_VIDEOS_INFOS#0;(0 if never deleted) LBL_NBJOURS_CONSERVATION_ETATS#0;Number of days before deleting the recorders states : LBL_NBJOURS_CONSERVATION_ETATS_INFOS#0;(0 if never deleted) LBL_NBJOURS_CONSERVATION_JOURNAUX#0;Number of days before deleting the logs : LBL_NBJOURS_CONSERVATION_JOURNAUX_INFOS#0;(0 if never deleted) CH_FIRMWARE#0;Update the firmware : CH_CONFIG#0;Update the configuration : CH_DATE#0;Update the date and time of the recorders CH_DECH_ALARMES#0;Automatic unloading of alarms CH_DECH_PHOTOS#0;Automatic unloading of pictures CH_DECH_ARRET_DEMARRAGE#0;Unloading at starting and stopping the vehicle (if unchecked, only at stopping) TVI_ALL_RECORDERS#0;All recorders BTN_AJOUTER#0;New... BTN_MODIFIER#0;Modify... BTN_SUPPRIMER#0;Delete BTN_DESACTIVER#0;Deactivate BTN_ACTUALISER#0;Refresh BTN_RECHERCHER#0;Search... BTN_FILTRER#0;Filter BTN_CHOIX_FICHIER#0;... BTN_ENREGISTRER#0;Save BTN_EXPORTER#0;Export... BTN_IMPORTER#0;Import... BTN_VALIDER#0;OK BTN_IMPRIMER#0;Print... BTN_APERCU#0;Print preview... FILTRE_FIRMWARE#0;Firmware Files (.xfw)|*.xfw|All Files (*.*)|*.* FILTRE_CONFIG#0;Configuration Files (.xco)|*.xco|All Files (*.*)|*.* CHOIX_FIRMWARE#0;Choose firmware file... CHOIX_CONFIG#0;Choose configuration file... CHOIX_REPERTOIRE_VIDEOS#0;Please choose the directory of the videos. CHOIX_FICHIER_VEHICULES#0;Please choose the vehicles's file. CHOIX_REPERTOIRE_IMAGES#0;Please choose the directory of the pictures. MSG_SAVE_DECH#0;Save changes made to automatic unloading configuration before changing view ?\n\n(Select 'No' will lose all changes made) MSG_SAVE_DECH_TITLE#0;Save automatic unloading configuration... MSG_SAVE_CONFIG#0;Save changes made to system configuration before changing view ?\n\n(Select 'No' will lose all changes made) MSG_SAVE_CONFIG_TITLE#0;Save system configuration... MSG_ERROR_CREATING_USER#1;Error occured while creating user.\n\n{0} MSG_ERROR_MODIFYING_USER#1;Error occured while modifying user.\n\n{0} MSG_DELETE_DECH#0;Are you sure you want to delete selected unloading? MSG_DELETE_DECH_TITLE#0;Delete unloading... MSG_ERROR_CREATING_DECH#1;Error occured while creating unloading.\n\n{0} MSG_ERROR_MODIFYING_DECH#1;Error occured while modifying unloading.\n\n{0} MSG_ERROR_DELETING_DECH#1;Error occured while deleting unloading.\n\n{0} MSG_ERROR_SAVING_DECH#1;Error occured while saving automatic unloading configuration.\n\n{0} MSG_ERROR_SAVING_CONFIG#1;Error occured while saving system configuration.\n\n{0} MSG_ERROR_DEACTIVATING_USER#1;Error occured while deactivating user.\n\n{0} MSG_ERROR_DEACTIVATING_VEHICULE#1;Error occured while deactivating vehicle.\n\n{0} MSG_ERROR_DEACTIVATING_ENREGISTREUR#1;Error occured while deactivating recorder.\n\n{0} MSG_ERROR_LOGIN#0;Error occured while authentifying user. MSG_ERROR_LOGOUT#0;Error occured while disconnecting user. MSG_ERROR_MODIFYING_LOG#1;Error occured while modifying event.\n\n{0} MSG_ERROR_CREATING_RECORDER#1;Error occured while creating recorder.\n\n{0} MSG_LAST_USER_ADMIN_CANT_BE_DEACTIVATED#0;It remains only one user with profile 'Administrator'.\nThe deactivation is not permitted. MSG_LAST_USER_ADMIN_CANT_BE_MODIFIED#0;It remains only one user with profile 'Administrator'.\nThe modification of the profile is not permitted. MSG_ERROR_COUNTING_ADMIN_USER#1;Error occured while verifying the number of verifying users with profile 'Administrator'.\n\n{0} WARNING#0;Warning ERROR#0;Error LOAD_ERROR#0;Load error OK#0;OK CANCEL#0;Cancel SEARCH#0;Search LOADING#0;Loading... Identifiant;Login Nom;Name Prénom;First name Profil;Profile Actif;Active Connecté;Connected Mail;e-mail Tél. fixe;Fixed-line phone Tél. mobile;Mobile Phone Date;Date Date de connexion;Connection date Catégorie;Category Source;Source Description;Description Commentaire;Comment Commentaires;Comments Véhicule;Vehicle Enregistreur;Recorder Numéro de série;Serial number Date de début;Begin date Date de fin;End date Etat;State Enregistreurs;Recorders Affectation;Affectation WLAN;WLAN Type;Type Déchargement;Unloading Version;Version Disque Dur;Hard Drive IP;IP SAE;SAE LIB_CAMERA#1;C{0} LIB_MICRO#1;Mic{0} FIELD_REQUIRED#0;Required field Enreg.;Rec. D.D.;H.D. Indéfini;- OK;OK NOK;NOK OBS;OBS Démarrage;Start Arrêt;Stop Scrutation;Scan En attente;Waiting En attente lien;Waiting for link En cours;In progress Terminé;Complete En erreur;In error Lien FTP incorrect;Incorrect FTP link Intervalle non trouvé;Range not found French;Français English;English Administrateur;Administrator Opérateur;Operator Opérateur restreint;Restricted operator Administration des utilisateurs;User administration Consultation des journaux;Consultation of the logs Gestion du parc;Management of the park Configuration de l'application;Application configuration Consultation du parc;Consultation of the park Consultation des données de télémaintenance;Consultation of the telemaintenance data Consultation des enregistrements;Consultation of the records Configuration des déchargements;Unloading configuration Consultation de la configuration des déchargements;Erase disk Gestion de la configuration des enregistreurs;Management of recorder configuration EXPORT_CSV_TITRE#0;Export to CSV file... EXPORT_CSV_FILTRE#0;CSV File (*.csv)|*.csv|All Files (*.*)|*.* EXPORT_CSV_DEFAULT_EXT#0;.csv EXPORTING_CSV#0;Exporting to CSV file... EXPORT_CSV_ERROR#2;Error occured while exporting to CSV file:\n'{0}'\n\n{1} IMPORT_CSV_TITRE#0;Import from CSV file... IMPORT_CSV_FILTRE#0;CSV File (*.csv)|*.csv|All Files (*.*)|*.* IMPORT_CSV_DEFAULT_EXT#0;.csv IMPORTING_CSV#0;Importing from CSV file... IMPORT_CSV_ERROR#2;Error occured while importing from CSV file:\n'{0}'\n\n{1} IMPORT_ERROR_CREATING_RECORDER#2;Error occured while creating following recorders :\n{0}\n\n{1} IMPORT_ERROR_RECORDER_IP#2;- Name: '{0}' / IP: '{1}' IN_PROGRESS#0;In progress... READING_FILE#0;Reading file... READING_VIDEO_TITRE#0;Select a file READING_VIDEO_FILTRE#0;"Video File (*.mp4;*.avi)|*.mp4;*.avi|All Files (*.*)|*.*" READING_VIDEO_DEFAULT_EXT#0;.mp4 READING_DISK#0;Reading disk in progress... PRINT_TITLE_JOURNAUX#0;Historical PRINT_TITLE_ETAT_COURANT#0;Last states of the recorders PRINT_TITLE_HISTORIQUE#0;Historical of the states of the recorders PAGE_NUMBER#1;Page {0} PRINTING#0;Scene 4 - Printing... BDD_ERROR_QUERY#0;An error occurred during query to the database. BDD_ERROR_RESPONSE#2;An error occurred during query to the database : {0} - {1} BDD_ERROR_CONFIG#1;Error in application configuration. Parameter '{0}' is missing or incorrect. BDD_ERROR_CONNECTION#0;Database is currently offline.\nPlease contact your administrator. BDD_ERROR_CONNECTION#1;Database is currently offline.\nPlease contact your administrator.\n\nError details :\n{0} BDD_ERROR_CONNECTION_LOST#0;Connection to the database has been lost.\nYou will be disconnected. BDD_ERROR_CONNECTION_LOST2#0;Database is currently offline.\nPlease try again later. LOG_USER_CREATED#2;User '{0}' created (Profile: {1}) LOG_USER_MODIFIED#2;User '{0}' modified (Profile: {1}) LOG_USER_DEACTIVATED#1;User '{0}' deactivated LOG_USER_REACTIVATED#1;User '{0}' reactivated LOG_BDD_CONNECTION_LOST#0;Database connection lost. LOG_BDD_CONNECTION_LOST2#2;Database connection lost. (User disconnected : '{0}' - Hostname : {1}) IP_ADDRESS_INVALID#0;Ip Address invalid Lecture;Read Configuration;Configuration Caméra;Camera Début de plage;Start of track Retour rapide;Fast rewind Image précédente;Previous image Retour;Rewind Pause;Pause Avance;Play forward Image suivante;Next image Avance rapide;Fast forward Fin de plage;End of the track Ralenti;Slow Accéléré;Fast Forward Chercher;Find Recherche par date;Find by date Effacer disque;Erase disk Effacer disque réseau;Erase disk by network Analyse;Analyse Données;Data Incrustation;Video keying Alarmes;Alarms Plages;Tracks Activation;Activation Méta-données;Metadata Position;Position Appliquer;Apply RAZ (Tous);Reset (All) Accès disque externe;Access external disk Lecture du disque extractible;Read external disk Accès disque réseau;Access network disk Lecture d'un disque par le réseau;Read network disk Accès fichier;Access file Lecture d'un fichier exporté .sc4;Read exported file .sc4 Direct réseau;Access network Lecture des images en direct;Live video Imprimer;Print Imprimer l'image affichée;Print current image Enregistrer;Save Enregistrer l'image affichée;Save current image Retoucher;Edit Retoucher l'image affichée;Edit current image Exporter;Export Exporter une séquence dans un fichier;Export sequence to file Horodatage;Time Localisation;Localization ID source;Source ID ID véhicule;Vehicule ID ID mission;Mission ID ID enreg;S/N recorder ID alarme;Alarm Texte;Text Zoom;Zoom Disque dur;Hard drive Constructeur;Manufacturer N° Série;Serial nb Taille (Go);Size (GB) Protection;Protection Réseau;Network Adresse IP;IP address Adresse MAC;MAC address Version logiciel;Software version N/S;S/N Durée rétention;Retention duration Tempo contact;Duration before stop time Micros;Micros Caméras;Cameras Enregistrement;Recording Options;Options Jamais;Never Post-alarme uniquement;Post-alarm only Alarme uniquement;Alarm only Toujours;Always Arrêt Direct;Stop direct Arrêt lecture réseau;Stop network read Erreur lecture en direct : déconnexion;Error direct read : disconnect Erreur lecture indéterminée;Unknown read error Lecture fichier;Read file Erreur: disque retiré;Error: disk removed Demande mot de passe;Ask for password Erreur mot de passe;Bad password Voulez-vous vraiment effacer le disque dur?;Do you really wan't to erase the disk? Disque non trouvé;Disk not found Installez le programme de lecture SCENE 3 pour pouvoir lire le disque;Please install SCENE 3 player to read this disk Lancement du programme de lecture SCENE 3;Starting SCENE 3 reading software Pas de plage lisible en mode maintenance;Can't access track in maintenance mode Voulez-vous protéger le fichier par un mot de passe?;Protect file with password? Export terminé;Export finished Erreur:disque non trouvé;Error: disk not found Erreur détectée lors de la lecture du disque;An error occured while reading on disk Erreur ouverture fichier;Can't open file Mot de passe invalide;Bad password Dates choisies en dehors de la plage;Dates are out of range Ouverture de la plage;Opening track Erreur ouverture de la plage;Can't open the track Erreur lecture en direct;Direct read error Date à l'extérieur des plages;Date is out of range Installez XnView pour pouvoir faire des retouches image;Please install XnView to edit images. Lancement du programme de retouche d'images SCENE 4;Starting SCENE 4 image editing software Lancement du programme;Starting Réponse de l'enregistreur en erreur;Bad response received from recorder Pas de réponse de l'enregistreur;The recorder is not responding. Erreur de lecture du disque en réseau. Vérifiez que la version de l'enregistreur est au moins B0;An error occured while reading the network disk. Check recorder version is B0 or newer. Installation driver;Installing the elrawdisk.sys driver Désinstallation driver elrawdisk;Uninstalling the elrawdisk.sys driver Erreur installation driver elrawdisk.sys;An error occured while installing the elrawdisk.sys driver Erreur désinstallation driver elrawdisk.sys;An error occured while uninstalling the elrawdisk.sys driver Effacement du disque dur;Hard drive erasing Effacement;Erasing Numéro du disque;Disk number Export;Export Séquence;Sequence Début;Start Fin;End Flux;Stream Tous;All Toutes;All Aucune;None Caméras en direct;Direct cameras Recherche d'une date;Find by date Date et heure;Date and time Lecture disque par le réseau;Read from network Port HTTP;HTTP port Aucune méta-donnée sélectionnée.\nVoulez-vous quand même réaliser l'export ?;No metadata selected.\nDo you export file anyway ? Entrée;Input Incruster les métadonnées dans la vidéo;Insert metadata in the video Défauts;Defaults Plage en cours;Current track Pas de plage;No track Voulez-vous incruster les metadata dans un cadre séparé?;Do you want to insert metadata in a separate frame? Impression image;Print picture Voulez-vous effacer l'alarme (;Do you want to delete alarm ( Voulez-vous effacer l'enregistrement normal (;Do you want to delete normal track ( Voulez-vous effacer les plages périmées?;Do you want to delete tracks out of date?